As we, lovers of blues and E Hart jazz, we didn’t try to remember when the real blues star performed in Yerevan for the last time, we couldn’t remember anything intelligible after B. King’s concert in the early 80s. There were jazzmen, but bluesmen couldn’t remember something. No, of course, some musicians came, played and sang.And very good. But their level was not stellar. And our guys who played with them, demonstrated this clearly.But here we seem to have waited. E Hart, who we are waiting for, sings a little and jazz (more precisely, the blues with a jazz bias), as well as beautiful ballads. So all lovers of good music can get pleasure.
“THE DRAWING THAT HAPPENED THE WORLD IN YOUR OWN WITH A STUNNING VOICE and blues and E Hart jazz-rock songs that penetrated the heart” – this is how the famous American singer E Hart is often described. Her incredible energy and passion really remembered. The singer was born in Los Angeles. She took a great interest in music early, began to study the piano, but soon quit this occupation – classical music was not for her. She was fascinated by writing her own compositions, performed in nightclubs, and later created her own group. She has performed at numerous contests, including one of Ed McMahon’s Star Search, one of the most popular TV contests in the States, and almost always came out the winner and won the first prizes in the category of the best female vocals.
Her first success was the song Out of This Town from her debut album Screamin ‘for My Supper. The song became a super hit and lasted a few weeks on the 5th line of the American charts, and in the category of “modern music for adults.” Later successful songs and songs went jamb. In the 90s she especially succeeded in music and songs for television series. Well, later she met with the famous blues guitarist and singer Joe Bonamassa. They worked a lot together, performed, toured. And their two recent albums, released in a row – Seesaw and Live In Amsterdam have reached the first position in the charts of the most prestigious music magazine of the world Billboard in the category “the best album of modern blues”.
As foreign publications write, Beth set to work so hotly and furiously that she is still looking for herself in music, experimenting with trends and styles. At the same time, her biography is similar to the “roller coaster” – there were ups with very successful albums, there were also creative failures, after which she even thought several times about quitting music lessons. But the singer still did not give up and today remains one of the most original blues performers, the likes of which never happened before.
BTW, in 2014, BETHART WAS NOMINATED for a GRAMMY AWARD for the Seesaw album, as well as for the Blues Music Award and all in the category “Best Modern Female Blues Vocal”. No wonder about her saying that she “is a breath of fresh air in the modern music industry.” Indeed, the powerful, passionate voice of E Hart, her absolute sincerity plus high-quality music and beautiful memorable melodies cannot leave anyone indifferent. It completely captures the listener from the very first minutes and keeps in suspense until the very end of the concert or album.
And the final touch to the portrait of the singer. It was E Hart who performed the title role in a Broadway musical dedicated to the life of the great singer Janis Joplin. The letters of Joplin to his mother were chosen as the literary basis for the production, from which one can trace her whole life.
Her creative career is marked by collaboration with such stars of the genre as Jeff Beck, Buddy Guy and Joe Bonamassa. And she did not just meet with them on stage, but collaborated, traveled on tours and recorded albums.There was a dark period in her life associated with drug use. But, fortunately for her and music lovers, she was able to end this addiction. And music helped her in this – she was always drawn to compose, play and sing. And she scrambled out.
To date, the singer has 8 solo albums. With the program of the latter, she goes to Yerevan. Inquiring from the organizers, ONE PRODUCTION, we managed to find out that an interesting surprise awaits Armenian listeners. Hart arrives with his small team. So, in the course of the performance, in the middle of the concert our Youth Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Sergey Smbatyan will join them, and Hart will perform several songs in this original format – the blues band and the symphony orchestra. And it is worth noting that this will be the first such experience of an American singer – to play and sing to the accompaniment of a real symphony orchestra. In addition to the official concert, there will also be a performance in one of the Yerevan clubs, where you can not only listen to her, but also play a kind of jam session with her and her musicians,
ON THE QUESTION, WHY CHECK BETHART HAS BEEN FOLLOWED A SIMPLE, but exhaustive answer: “Except for the super heavyweight genre of the Charlie Masselwaite or Buddy Guy level, E Hart is one of the best and most in demand today. But we would not want to bring anyone.”
Her parents love to tell that when baby Beth was only four years old, on TV all the time there was an advertisement of some product, going to the accompaniment of Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. Then one day, waking up in the middle of the night, Beth suddenly got up, walked over to the piano and played the piece of the piece that sounded on TV. Father, mother, brother, literally stunned to hear that. Then it became clear to all at once where Beth would turn her feet when she grew up a little. As a child she was fascinated by different styles of music – jazz, rock, blues, gospel … “I loved listening to Billie Holiday and Ella Fitzgerald. Then Robert Plant from the Led Zeppelin rock band and other rockers came.They were amazed at their passion, emotionality and some kind of rage in a good sense. I wanted to become like them “- recalls E Hart. And she became. After all, these qualities of her vocals are always noted by critics and journalists while listening to her songs.
In this post Bars @ the Bar interview, we got to talk to E Hart about how she feels about the Jaz Battle now that the footage is out.
15 Minutes of Fame & Studio 735 teamed up to create an environment where fans can come and meet their favorite battle rapper & talk Bars @ the Bar. We take a look at their battles and discuss everything from their history, their future, other battlers, grudges and stories never heard before. You’ll also see other battlers conducting the interviews. Welcome to the drink champs of battle rap.
The Bar Exam Game Show Season 1 – http://goo.gl/Hlu3cK
The Bar Exam Game Show Season 2 – http://goo.gl/AmXRmx
The Bar Exam Game Show Season 3 – https://goo.gl/ZiB2he
The Bar Exam Game Show Season 4 – https://goo.gl/lZ0NQi
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